
Tag Archives: slow fashion

My online H&M order arrived shortly before I visited the premiere of ‘The True Cost’. Seeing another time all the things I never really wanted to know about the fashion industry made me feel guilty like hell!! My purchases were not worth all the trouble they brought. So yes, I did what I had to do … I liked them a lot, but I had to send them back…

The fashion documentary ‘The True Cost’ by Andrew Morgan is a must see. It shows you all the things you never wanted to know about the fashion industry, but should.

“It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. This documentary pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing? Filmmaker Andrew Morgan, who raised nearly $80,000 through Kickstarter, said his idea for the documentary was sparked by the 2013 factory collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which killed more than 1,000 people. That disaster for the first time made him question how his clothing was made—and what he found out, he said, was heartbreaking.”*

Be aware… watching it or even continuing reading my post will kill your fast fashion appetite.

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The True Cost Movie – Trailer

‘The True Cost Movie’ will make you think twice before you are about to do some fast fashion shopping. Some of the disturbing facts:

  • Since 2000 we started to spent the double amount on fashion. Not on more expensive clothing, just on more cheaper clothing.
  • Just one pair of regular jeans requires 3,625 liters of water (the same amount of water one person requires for basic survival for around 2.5 years).
  • 80 billion garments are produced every year. Imagine all the resources this requires.
  • A 23-year-old Bangladeshi garment factory worker named Shima, who made the equivalent of $10 a month when first on the job. In an attempt to improve the factory’s unsafe working conditions and earn a living wage, she and several other workers started a union. When they gave the factory owner their list of demands, they were severely beaten. This is modern slavery.
  • In America around 14.3 million tons of textiles ends up in landfills (only 15% finds a new purpose)
  • Your skin is the primary organ for absorption. When you look at what goes into normal (non organic) cotton it turns out that in the end of the day, what you are putting on your skin is chemically written textiles.


I believe it is a must see for everyone who loves fashion and is not afraid of the truth. But be aware my awoken Lions, there is so much to be told regarding this subject, that this documentary will never completely satisfy you. In my opinion, there are more angles on the fashion industry to be told. What about more solutions besides buying less & buying responsible (recycling for example! Or innovation). What about the consequences if we would all follow The True Cost by example, seriously what would happen to the people that make our clothes?! And haven’t I heard that most of the nasty stuff to nature happens after you take the garment home….

For a documentary that is trying to open the eyes of the (fast) fashion loving people, this is not an esthetic beauty. I expected a little more ‘fashion’ which would have made it even more appealing and disturbing at the same time. But hey… revolution starts with hard facts and impact. And that is a sure thing with this documentary.

Stream the film or look up the next screening in your country on

Ps. Dutchies, there as still some tickets available for 11th of June’s screening at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. Don’t wait, they are almost sold out.

I quitted my day job. Pretty sure it would turn out alright, seriously no clue what the future had in mind for me (yes, people thought I was crazy)

What I knew for sureto stay away from mass production as far as possible. Quite a challenge considering my love for fashion.

Weeks passed by. I found a challenge in creating 80s inspired furniture with my brother for a local arts project. He is the one who pointed me into the right direction by questioning why I didn’t try to make a living out of my passion and ideal. It was kind of duh moment.

A few months later was born, my online vintage shop that brings you the best vintage alternatives for current or upcoming fashion trends.

A period of new adventures and a whole lot of trial and error began. My dining table became my office. My bedroom my warehouse. The festivals my showroom.


style lion

A year later I moved my office into my Studio in the Woods. Combing my ideal with my passion at my favorite place in the whole wide world. I was in love with work….

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I believe fashion is one of the most fun ways to express yourself (besides music). Too bad the fun got killed by high street’s mass produced collections. Every monday morning at the office it became more clear to me. That day was the best day to show off our new purchases and claim your sense of style. Tuesdays were already to late, because…. who wants to be a follower?! It was a big deal to me at the time. But that day that 4 of my colleagues all wore the same mint green Zara top was the end of my life as a fashion victim.

Working in fashion also killed my appetite for ‘Made in China’ labels. Everything you never wanted to know about the fashion industry turns out to be true. A €5 Tee can never be a good deal….

How can we continue our love for fashion without molesting people, our amazing world and our own sense of style…. Thank god there is vintage! Recycling is a first small step into a prettier world.

After two years of losing myself into my new world I gave myself a break to get ready for the future. Longing for something stronger, better, more interesting and even more me.

The countdown has started. The next months Style Lion will bring you new collections, as well some completely new projects. Can’t wait for all the exciting things Style Lion has in store for me.



‘Yes baby, this coat is real fur and I am not ashamed’.

These words pop into my head as soon as someone tries to kill me with their piercing eyes, while looking at my gorgeous chocolate brown fur coat. I know the look. The coat looks pretty good on me, but that’s not the vibe I am sensing. There is judgement. I get it, it might look pretty unethical.

‘It’s vintage you know’.

I know it is. This vintage fur coat used to be my grand mothers’. Who once bought it in a vintage store. So actually it’s a vintage vintage coat! Hopefully the piercing eyes know it too as soon as they take a better look.

Style Lion Vintage Fur Coat 1

When the look continues or someone is brave enough to speak up, I can only say

‘It’s probably more ethical then my Zara denim (or my H&M T or Nike Sneakers or whatever non slow fashion I am wearing).

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